
发送: 2022年8月16日


The health, well-being and safety of our campus community continues to be the university’s 最高优先级. 当我们准备开始秋季学期时,我们想为您提供 有一个关于 猴痘 (MPX) and 菠菜网lol正规平台’s response and preparedness efforts and provide some essential information 从一个 Q&A that is also available in more detail at the California Department of Public Health 网站.


猴痘 is a disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus which is related 天花病毒. 虽然通常没有天花那么严重,传染性也小得多, 猴痘可能是一种严重的疾病. 这种病毒主要通过皮肤对皮肤传播 联系 with people who have 猴痘 症状 such as rash or sores, and may also spread through close, personal 联系 or exposure to materials contaminated with 病毒.


No, monkeypox is a completely different disease, is not related to COVID-19, and spreads 不同的. People with MPX are generally contagious when they have a rash or other 症状, and monkeypox spread takes place through prolonged direct, close 联系. 这与容易通过空气传播的COVID-19不同.


Any一个 can get monkeypox after having close physical 联系 with some一个 who has the infection, especially 联系 with infected lesions (sores), bodily fluids, or 其他污染表面. 然而,目前公众面临的风险很低. 


It spreads primarily through direct 联系 with infectious sores, scabs, or body fluids, including during sex, as well as activities like kissing, hugging, massaging, 和拥抱. 猴痘可通过接触患有猴痘的人使用过的材料传播 monkeypox that haven’t been cleaned, such as clothing, towels and bedding. 它可以 also spread by respiratory secretions (talking, coughing, sneezing, breathing) during 长时间、近距离、面对面的接触. 


猴痘 may start with flu-like 症状; fever, low energy, swollen lymph nodes, 全身疼痛. 出现后1 - 3天内(有时更长) 发烧时,患者会出现皮疹或溃疡. 疮会经过几个 愈合前的阶段,包括结痂. 患有猴痘的人可能会经历所有这些 或者只是这些症状中的一部分. 大多数患猴痘的人会出现皮疹或溃疡. Sometimes the sores can be located in places that are difficult for some一个 to see. Some people have reported developing the rash or sores before (or without) the flu-like 症状.


大多数感染是轻微的,不需要任何治疗就能痊愈. 目前有 没有专门针对猴痘的治疗方法. 然而,考虑到猴痘和天花 viruses are genetically similar, antiviral drugs developed to protect against smallpox, 如替可韦莫(TPOXX),可用于治疗猴痘. 


患有MPX的人不建议接种疫苗. 疫苗推荐用于 people who have been exposed to prevent them from developing the disease, and can also be given to those who do not have a known exposure, but are at risk for exposure.

At this time, 圣克拉拉县公共卫生局 has access to the vaccine (JYNNEOS) and is prioritizing the vaccine for preventative use for those who are eligible 而且风险很高. 参观 圣克拉拉县公共卫生部门猴痘网站 有关疫苗资格的更多信息. 如果您符合条件,请访问 vax.sccgov.org 登记即将开办的疫苗诊所. 


  • 如有症状,请戴上口罩. 根据学校规定,目前需要戴口罩 在所有室内环境中限制COVID-19的传播.
  • Cover any rashes and sores until you get them checked by a medical provider as soon 尽可能.
  • Avoid in-person gatherings, especially if they involve close, personal skin-to-skin 联系. 这包括性行为.
  • Avoid sharing personal effects, including clothing, linens, and utensils.
    Wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based sanitizer.

    If you believe you may have MPX or been exposed, call a healthcare professional. 

  • 学生可致电 学生健康中心 拨打(408)924-6122,并要求预约猴痘测试. 
  • Additional information in Santa Clara County is available by calling the 猴痘 呼叫中心电话:(408)970-2200.
  • SCCPHD有可能获得疫苗的链接: http://vax.sccgov.org/. This site will help you determine whether you are currently eligible for a vaccine. 
  • 工作人员 and faculty are advised to 联系 their health care provider and visit the 圣克拉拉县公共卫生局 了解更多信息.

For students looking 支持 and resources, we encourage you to reach out to the 学生健康中心 有问题吗?. 教职员工可以向 员工援助计划 支持.

意识到 症状 猴痘和 如何预防 and treat it is an important step in educating ourselves and the 菠菜网lol正规平台 campus community. We will continue to monitor the situation closely in the days and weeks to come.

